I've been really bad at actually posting all of the things I plan to post. The last time I accomplished a post it was still snowing... I can't believe that it is already September. This summer I've had some pretty great thrift scores, didn't do nearly enough garage sale-ing, and spent countless hours cleaning up after my inappropriate eliminator.

First off, Johnstock was something. It was beautiful out and I was having fun until a few hours in. Then it started torrentially down-pouring with strong winds. It was insanity! I was a first timer and made classic rookie mistakes. BJ, my mom, and I stood for a half hour or more with our hands in the air holding the tent down and releasing the pooling water from the fabric that wasn't keeping us dry. It was freezing and wet and I'm very cat-like in that I hate being wet. BJ ran to target and got me a towel, but it was honestly a losing battle. Everything was soaked. Luckily some of my stuff works for outdoors, but my poor terrariums were wet and steamy and my business cards were totaled. I'm glad for the experience though because now I know what to do differently next time. I had a wonderful booth neighbor who was awesome and helpful and had a cat themed shirt that I had to get. Meownisota? Uh, yes please!!! Also, the match to the hot air balloon we got back in February was still at Rewind, so BJ picked it up for me!

My paternal grandmother passed away and we made the drive down for the funeral. My family and I must have radar for thrift stores because we found one in the tiny town of Lake Benton. I scored two bowls, a creamer, and a white cat for my (overgrown) collection all for under $9. I think it is officially my new favorite thrift store, but is also more than 3 hours away. *Edit: The big bowl is resting in pieces in the dumpster thanks to my butter fingers and a moldy potato that made its way into a vase. I loved you for the short time I had you!
It was a really terrible spring with all the snow and cold weather. We ended up throwing a lot more plants than usual at the Depot. One of these beautiful petunias was headed for the dumpster in the sky until I saved it. Now the loopers are eating them. They were gorgeous while they lasted!
Arc's Value Village was kind to me on a few occasions this season. I found a cute little double seater for Penelope, an adorable little box for her to keep her keepsakes, NOS tart molds, a pastry cutter, syrup pourer, egg Jell-O mold (I plan to attempt vegan hard boiled eggs with tofu and Vegg), and another white cat for my collection. This one holds all of my lucky pennies that I seem to be finding everywhere! On this trip, I also found a Xyron creative station with a sticker roll inside! It look a lot of cleaning up to get it working again, but I figured it out. Such a great deal!
Penny really needs a friend.
I found these so cute already glued vintage puzzles at the garbage bag sale that I look forward to every year. Now I just need to get them framed and find a bare spot on a wall! I also found a handmade crocheted blanket, fleece for the piggies, and a cool springy candle holder for the balcony.
The Uptown Art Fair was awesome this year. It was the first time I've ever gone and not been near heat exhaustion! We got a couple of great prints. The artist of the drive in print had so many wonderful scenes to choose from that it was a hard decision. We got one last year of a skeleton playing chess with a bunny in a graveyard. The artist of the Jack print also had other lovable Disney characters, including Zero, but I had to pick Jack because I think he just speaks to my sensibilities the best.
I have a lot of projects in the works. I'm going to attempt a strip quilt. Since Halloween is my favorite and my best, that is my inspiration. I have a new machine named Doris. I'll have to remember to get a picture and post about her!
I found this fabric at Crafty Planet and plan to make a bag out of it. Thanks for all the inspiration, Heidi Kenney!
One of the projects that I've actually finished is a seat cushion. I found this chevron fabric in the remnants pile at Joann's during their Labor Day weekend sale! It was the first time I've sewn in a zipper. I'm happy with how it turned out! (Sorry for the poor lighting...)

BJ and I went on a vacation which I titled Roadside America Thriftcation of Mostly Southwest Minnesota. It was heavy on the roadside, not so much on the thrift. Small towns close up shop way too early, I have no idea how they ever have any customers! BJ had never been to any of the Laura Ingalls sites or any other of the interesting places in my neck of the woods. Going as an adult is quite a different experience than as a child. We went to the Sod House on the Prairie in Sanborn and the museum in Walnut Grove. I had planned the dugout site into the itinerary, but decided against it because I didn't want to pay $5 to look at prairie grass and possibly get chiggers, which I have heard are bad this year. I am severally allergic to bug bites- I always get the most disgusting looking welts and whatnots. I still got some visiting this place that have yet to disappear. It was a really hot week and the inside of the sod house was really cool. Smart design!

We attempted to go to Old Stone face in Pipestone, but were running late in the day and it was closing in 15 minutes by the time we got there. We got to see the Three Maidens and the gargoyles in the Masonic building downtown, but the thrift stores were closed as well. At least we got to hit up my favorite thrift store 15 minutes before closing time!
I passed up the snowflake dish just like I did last time. Regretting it again. I might have to make a trip over there sometime because I'm sure it will still be there! Now I only need the yellow and green mixing bowls and I'll have the whole collection! My mom thinks I have a problem, but I think Pyrex is so necessary.

On our journey back from the southwest part of the state, we went through New Ulm. This was the best part of our trip. We went to the Wanda Gag house. She is the author of Millions of Cats. The house has seven different types of windows and doors. I loved the two little doors leading to small rooms in the attic and the door to the attic is kind of hidden. It was just so fun. We went to all three of the thrift stores there, but there was nothing of great interest. Of course we brought our own food since vegan eating tends to be hard in meat and potato towns, so we had a picnic. I watched the Glockenspiel, but BJ didn't get that there were moving parts so he thought it was stupid to go look at a clock playing music. His loss.

We also went to visit Hermann the German. It was a very windy day and I was wearing a dress. I didn't have the guts or the pants to climb all the way to the top. BJ said he felt like he was going to get blown over, so I'm just going to tell myself any person in her right mind would have made the same decision. The only thing holding me back from believing that is the fact that there were young girls who made it to the top when I didn't. Maybe some other day when I don't have to worry that everyone is looking at my Spanx... Hermann has to worry about that everyday!
I wanted to get free root beer at Soderlund's Pharmacy in St Peter, but it was closed. It closes at 2pm on Saturdays. Seriously, how do people live in small towns? Smart planning, I guess. The only places that were open in most of these towns were bars. Bar hopping is not my kind of fun, unfortunately. Luckily the baseball cows in Le Seur were free and never closed.
Don't fear, I did get root beer. We stopped at the candy store in Jordan which was thankfully open. We even found some vegan candies!
Our journey brought us back to Minneapolis. We visited Minne the Lake Creature at Nokomis and the elf door at Harriet. I left a little mushroom for the elf. Someone took it already.
Please excuse the poor lighting of the terrible phone photo. If you know me, you know that I'm one of the people who lines up for the 50% off sale at Arc's. Lucky for me, I have the member card so it was open to me on Sunday, too! I got everything I was looking for. I found a cute green daisy Pyrex with a lid(!), a sheet for my rag rug I plan on making (but I still need more), a couple of Halloween goodies, the cushion for my project above, and a couple of unexpected finds. The adorable little dish girl is something from my childhood that I saw out of the corner of my eye and I was so excited to pick her up! This long post wrapping up my summer brings us to present day. I'm getting ready for my upcoming craft show in Redwood on September 28. I promise that I'll post more on it a the days to follow.
I hope to see you there! :)