I know I promised a thrift update a long while ago, but I've been a mix of busy and lazy. I'm going down to SW MN this weekend for a wedding (I hate weddings)/to have a garage sale at my mom's, so you know what that means: Lake Benton here I come!!! I'm really hoping that my thrift drought is cured down there and I hit a jackpot of Pyrex gold. I told you there would be cats with an S, so here you go! A few months ago I scored the cats above at Flamingo's. I don't know if the ashtray is Holt-Howard the way I saw one labeled on e-bay, but it's oh so cute despite the damage. It still spins open though, if I ever decided to pick up smoking, haha! >_<

I found the two beautiful kitties in the upper left corner at Arc's on separate occasions.
And I couldn't pass up this silly cat because she looks so much like Annabelle! This one is on the floor with the larger cat that belonged to my grandmother which sat by her fireplace hearth.

The photo above is of my largest thrift haul in one weekend. Most of it is from one of the most abundant estate sales I think I'll ever see. It was a tiny house in Richfield that was packed to the gills and overflowed outside. I went all three days in was held. There was a lot of great vintage Christmas stuff, all those Santas are from there. I picked up all but one that was there because they were a great deal after the sale discounts the second and third days. The ornament with the S&P shakers was left on the third day and came with a couple of ugly ornaments, but this one was worth the price. It looks like a light sticks in the back to make it a little bubbler! I also picked up vintage candle stick holder clips, Santa mugs, two Kewpie dolls, some mini bottle brush trees, a bunch of glass ornaments, a Santa clip ornament, several pairs of screw/clip earrings, a baby doll, and a celluloid Nevalyashka doll. I found some vintage Ball jars, Pyrex, Glasbake, and Fire King at Arc's along with a rainbow+unicorn cross stitch (it happened to be Pride weekend so it was fate!) and a vintage rooster mail/key rack.
I picked up a papier mâché rooster that, from what I found, was a German candy holder. Later I found a vintage wood burger press with roosters on it. I guess my kitchen will be rooster themed and I didn't even plan it. It all started with a .69 Holt-Howard Coq Rouge plate.
I was on a roll with Pyrex for a while. I picked up all of the bowls above minus the Early American in one trip! I'm only planning to keep the green, flamingo, and DWD yellow ones. I thought I had the Friendship sold on Instagram, but it was called by a non-payer much like my past e-bay experience. Don't be a non-payer. If you don't want something or aren't prepared to pay, just don't bid on it. It's just rude and can really ruin someone's good mood.
Last month at Flamingo's, I found a pink gooseberry 503 with no lid and a pink rainbow stripe 403. Then I went to Goodwill right before close. To my great surprise I found a pink gooseberry 441 just setting amongst the plates! Ah! These are all available. I need to trade pink for turquoise.
I got this shelf off of Craigslist. The former owner used it as a shoe rack because she never got around to re-finishing it for a shelf and it is really sticky. I just didn't have room to wait around until I could re-finish it so I put my Pyrex on it as intended. Well, now it's back to being a shoe rack, ha!
We inherited this marvelous Mid Century China hutch from BJ's uncle's wife's father. :) It needs to be re-finished as well, but I think it just has to wait until we move to a house so it doesn't have to be battered after it gets beautiful. If you can see it on the lower right hand corner, I also found a pink Pyrex pie plate and a pink daisy DD which I found at a garage sale and estate sale respectively. I also picked up three small Salem North Star bowls at the garage sale. The Butterprint 501 fridgie is from Urban Cottage last month. I didn't pick anything up this month so my thrifting fix is really riding on this trip back home.
I found this little vintage needle threader at Arc's and had to have it! The colors match the manual to my vintage Singer, which is sadly still under a pile of rubbish, but that will all change after this weekend's sale! Also, this brand is Witch. Halloween is coming!!! I'll have a craft update soon so you know where to find me this Halloween season and give you a peek at what I've been working on!
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