Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Little Hits and Big Misses

Last Friday we woke up early to get in line at an estate sale. The ONLY good thing at this sale was a spirograph Pyrex with lid. I knew when we drove up and the number person was a young woman that we had already lost it, but we stayed on the off chance that we could still snag it. No luck. UGH!!! Three hours of my life WASTED!!!

We headed to Target and I decided to just see if there were any Halloween deals on Cartwheel. Amazingly, there was a 20% off all decor one day only coupon! We got everything we wanted except for the eye doorbell, but decided we would go to a different one later. I wish I would have checked earlier because there was a garage sale that started at the same time as the estate sale that had a Butterprint 404! It was a day of not so great decisions. We decided to try our luck anyway because it was a rainy Friday. Obviously it was not there, but we did pick up an Early America 501 for just 75 cents, a super cute Halloween mug, and a Spring Blossom 502 with lid. The lady wanted to get rid of everything so she threw in the all the Pyrex she had left, which was 3 bowls, all for the grand total of $5! I've been holding off on the EA 501 because I never wanted to pay the $8 I always see them for. Really happy I did!

The garage sale was in St. Paul and really close to Valu Thrift. This is the same one we visited on our Thriftcation and left with almost nothing because they charge eBay prices, but since we were close, why not? I found a Bakelite roulette wheel! Unfortunately two of the pegs are broken off, but it's still really cool. I'm thinking of making a roulette table for our party just so we can use it!

There was a lot of Pyrex there, but all of it was really expensive and none of it was anything I would want to keep. They were charging separate for lids and dishes. I'm a lid hoarder so I bought them... I also found three cute little Glasbake custard cups with red rims.

I think we used up all of our luck on the Big Bertha we found at Goodwill the night before. I'm hoping we aren't in a good Pyrex drought for long!

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