Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Venting and Thrifting

Cleaning and scrubbing can wait till tomorrow... for babies grow up we've learned to our sorrow... so quiet down cobwebs... dust go to sleep... I'm rocking my baby and babies don't keep!!

I found this sweet framed embroidery at the thrift store last night and couldn't leave it behind. I don't have any human babies, but I love my furry ones just as much. I bought this for the shop, but I don't know if I can part with it. Am I ridiculous because it makes me cry? Probably. Today I woke up and was feeling sad missing my babies who are gone. I started thinking about Patches. It turns out that today is the day she died 11 years ago. I didn't even realize until I got home from work this afternoon and thought it strange that I would be missing her specifically out of all of them. A little random act of kindness helped me to it.

There is a beautiful garden which is lovingly tended on my bike route. The lady who owns it occasionally puts out canning jars with arrangements from her garden by the curb with a free sign. I've never stopped to take one before today, but I needed something to cheer me up. I hope one day that I can have a garden like she has so I can return the favor.

I rode to work against the wind, into the rain (0% chance of rain mind you...) and the first person I saw there was the miserable old witch who Minnesota Nices me every time I'm there. Then the new dumb cashier asked me very seriously where all the mums went and I wanted to ask her where the hell she thought things went when people paid for them and took them out of the store?! This has been the worst season I've ever worked at Home Depot in terms of how rude the employees are and I dread going there because I always leave pissed off. I was bullied all through school and I don't think it needs to continue into my adulthood.

I made a candy corn display which was quickly ruined because the old bats don't get color blocking and are too stupid to be clever.

Anyway, I'm home now and don't have to go back until Thursday. The apartment is in desperate need of a good cleaning, but that will have to wait until tomorrow. I wanted to share some of my fun finds from this past weekend. The BOO-tique opened at my main thrift on Saturday. BJ and I got in line and picked up the blow mold on the left. I also found several vintage dresses, but only got one because vintage commands high prices at this thrift store. The blow mold on the right we found at Goodwill last night. It seemed like a total bust. Then we turned a corner and found this guy waiting to come home with us. He is genuine vintage and looks like he has never met the sun. Don't tell the others, but he's my favorite!

We went to our shop on Sunday so that we could talk to the owner about expanding our space. I am SOOO excited! I never dreamed what he had to offer us. He told us that he didn't offer the space to anyone else because he thought that it would work well for us. I can't wait to move in!!! I know it's vague, but in November it will all make more sense.

Obviously I always shop when we visit. I left with the small blow mold, a pack of cake toppers, and a creepy Beistle die cut.

Why does he have so many teeth?!

The last couple of weeks I have started an I Love Lucy shaker collection. I'm not usually too into the modern merch, but they were all cheap so what the heck!

I found a couple of vintage pink Tupperware trays that will be great for organizing small things in our new booth. And of course no creepy Santa is ever left behind!

I found my first ever Pyrex pixie!!! I was so excited when I spotted it! I also found a teeny tiny little Fire King casserole and a 475 lid that has no imperfections. It was a really good day at the thrift store!

I have to go make dinner now. I really wish the cats would do it so I could go sit in bed and binge watch Sabrina the Teenage Witch. I have a start on several Halloween crafts and am so close to finishing one, so check back this week!

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